Congressman Steve King Shares Second Amendment Meme That Has Liberals Raging

Steve King, a member of the United States House of Representatives, recently shared a meme declaring that the Founding Fathers “wrote ‘arms’ not ‘muskets’” in the Constitution.

“Enough said,” he typed flatly as he introduced his post on Facebook.


A Representative from the state of Iowa, King says he provides “conservative leadership” as a family man “familiar with justice and the laws of government having grown up in a law enforcement family.”

King is sharing this meme to make sure that we do not fall into the Liberal trap of “historical context.” Why would you need the type of guns available today? The only thing the Founding Fathers were talking about were muskets.

The Federalist Papers Project agrees and gives a hearty “thank you” to Representative King. For example, the Girandoni rifle, created in 1779 during the time of Revolution and founding of this country, had “a 20 round magazine, fires a .46 caliber projectile and an effective range of 150 yards.”

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