WikiLeaks SMOKING GUN: Podesta, Mills, BUSTED Conspiring To Destroy Evidence

WikiLeaks SMOKING GUN: Podesta, Mills, BUSTED Conspiring To Destroy Evidence

Perhaps they will load Hillary, Huma, Podesta, Mills, and the whole gang on to a prison bus at one time!

WikiLeaks continues to deliver. Today’s release, The Podesta Emails 25, reveals a conspiratorial correspondence between Hillary’s Campaign Chairman, John Podesta, and Clinton Assistant Cheryl Mills. The subject in question: emails!

A little historical context: the exchange between Podesta and Mills took place at the same time that the New York Times ran a story entitled “Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account At State Department, Possibly Breaking Rules.”


Podesta wrote, “On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are gong to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later.”

It is unclear who “Lanny” is, but Mills responded, “Think you just got your new nick name.”

In another email, sent in early March, 2015, Hillary’s Campaign Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri addressed the issue of President Obama’s knowledge of Hillary’s private email server.

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Palmieri wrote: “…They know POTUS and HRC emailed. Josh has been asked about that. Standard practice is not to confirm anything about his email, so his answer to press was the he would not comment/confirm. I recollect that Josh was also asked if POTUS ever noticed her personal email account and he said something like POTUS likely had better things to do than focus on his Cabinet’s email addresses.”

She does mention that the President may have had an odd email setting where he does not necessarily see the address where a message came from.

Is this the smoking gun in the email case? Given admissions my multiple people that they destroyed hardware and deleted data, it stands to reason that Podesta, Mills, Palmieri, and others should be called to testify.

Of course, their friend Huma Abedin, and the 650,000 emails that she somehow saved may steer their future for them!


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