Dr. Phil Drops Mind Blowing Bombshell About D.C. Pedophile Ring In D.C. When Interviewing Former CHILD Sex Slave

Over a year ago, WikiLeaks dropped a bombshell that shook the mainstream media to its core. The PizzaGate emails were so utterly horrifying and damning that the media rushed to deem them as fake news. However, Americans are smart and have not stopped seeking the truth on this disgusting topic. Though in a shocking turn of events mainstream media just confirmed that in fact, it is all true.

In an exclusive interview that was viewed by millions across the United States, Dr. Phil uncovered the secretive and the highly organized world of elite pedophilia. A former child sex slave who is using the name “Kendall” described how she was literally born into and grew up in, the world of elite sexual slavery.

In the interview, Kendall explains how her parents intentionally had her for the sole reason of being a sex slave. Kendall explains that her parents sold her at birth to an elite pedophile ring that serviced the world’s most powerful people. Kendall describes her first memories as being passed around groups of rich and prominent men and women so they could “take turns”  for their sadistic sexual pleasure.

What she describes in her interview are so nefarious that it shocks your conscience. Kendall describes that by the age of 2-years-old she was used to the abuse already. She also describes being forced to kill a baby by her owner as well as raping children as young as five.

Kendall also says that she does not know her actual age since she has been a sex slave her entire life. She was trafficked around the globe and forced to service the societal elites that included high-ranking law enforcement official, major sports franchise owners, and even high-level U.S. politicians.

Kendall also claims that she was trafficked to pedophile politicians, and was taken to political parties attended by high-level politicians who used her for their personal pleasure. Kendall stated that these sick politicians took great care to hide what they were actually doing. She also confirmed that there are many high-ranking U.S. politicians that have been engaging in raping children for many years. Which is a reality that has consistently been covered up and completely hidden from the voters.

What was described by this woman is so terrifying that I am sure most of you are wondering, is this true? However, Dr. Phil confirms that his team thoroughly investigated her claims and consulted with law enforcement experts. These law enforcement experts confirmed her story, and Dr. Phil “100% believes” that she is telling the truth.

Recently, President Trump detailed his plan to go after human traffickers last month. This is huge since it will expose the dirty secrets of the powerful elite in this country and others. No wonder the mainstream media does not want to investigate this heinous crime. If they do it will take down the entire structure of government of those in power.

We need to keep pushing for answers and hope that we can expose these sick perverts for who they really are.

H/T [ The Free Thought Project ]

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