Sharpton: “We did not come to divide the city; we came to bring the city under one accord.”

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – The Reverend Al Sharpton stood with the family of Michael Brown Tuesday afternoon in St. Louis and spoke out against the violence in Fergurson and other parts of the area.

Sharpton came to town at the request of the family of the deceased 18-year-old.

“We did not come to divide the city, we came to bring the city under one accord,” Brown said Tuesday.

Standing on the stairs of the Old Courthouse, Sharpton called for peace saying that the looting and violent behavior only dishonors the memory of Michael Brown.

“I know you’re angry, I know that this is outrageous, but we can’t be more outraged than his mom and dad and if they can hold their head dignity, so can you,” Sharpton said.

Michael Brown’s mother did not speak. His father only simply asked for “no violence.”

Sharpton admonished those who called for justice and answers to respond without violence.  “If you want answers, throw your arms up, If you want justice, throw your arms up,” he said.

Brown was shot by a Ferguson police officer at an apartment complex on Saturday.  The teen was unarmed.  A community of supporters is seeking justice in this case.  A vigil on Sunday turned to looting.  Area businesses were damaged in the process.

Joe Millitzer6 MINUTES AGO

Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network will be absorbing the cost of Michael Brown’s funeral.

Joe Millitzer13 MINUTES AGO

“Please put the word out that we are meeting at the church to mobilize our strength and dignity.  Please keep the Brown family in your thoughts.”

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FOX 2’s Bonita Cornute at the scene in downtown St. Louis

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Michael Brown’s biological father, “No Violence”

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“If you want justice, throw your arms up”

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“There are those who say peace, what they really mean is be quiet.  Don’t suffer in silence.”

Joe Millitzer31 MINUTES AGO

We want the federal government to deal with this case because the local authorities have not been transparent.  It is in the interest of everybody to have a fair and objective investigation.

Joe Millitzer36 MINUTES AGO

“We call for calm, we call for everybody to be responsible” – Benjamin Crump

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Joe Millitzer40 MINUTES AGO

Brown family attorney Benjamin Crump opens the press conference

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The scene at the Old Court House in St. Louis

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