And Still We Wait::: Ferguson PD ‘SHOOTING WAS JUSTIFIED’

Since Sunday, the city of Ferguson, MO has been plagued with looting, rioting, and shootings as a result of the Michael Brown shooting. Brown who was 18 years-old was shot by a police officer, and unfortunately expired as a result of his injuries. After the shooting, organizations like the “New Black Panthers” have vowed vengeance against the officer who shot Brown, claiming that he was murdered. The New Black Panthers have even gone as far as sending police a list of demands, including charging the police officer with murder.


But now it appears that the violence occurring and being encouraged to continue, has erupted prematurely and without a legitimate cause. The Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson has now just released astonishing new information on the Michael Brown shooting.

Chief Jackson has confirmed that this was anything but murder.
Jackson stated that the officer was severely beaten, and the side of hisface was quite swollen.

Jackson said Brown was with a friend at an apartment complex when the officer attempted to get out of his cruiser. The teen reportedly initiated an altercation, pushing the officer back into the vehicle and struggling to retrieve his weapon. The fatal shot was then fired from within the car. The obvious injuries to the officer prove that there was indeed a severe altercation. Chief Jackson is not releasing the Ferguson Police Officers identity at this time for obvious reasons.

In the meantime, the Ferguson riots have been, and continue to be quite violent. Protestors are chanting “KILL THE POLICE,” and this evening police have utilized tear gas in attempts to control the violent crowds.
Even President Obama is guilty of acting prematurely (no surprise). Obama has sent his deepest sympathies and condolences to the family of Michael Brown, and called Browns death “heartbreaking.” Obama didn’t offer any sympathy to the officer who was beaten by Brown, the business owners being looted by the angry mobs, or the reporters who have been attacked by the mobs.


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