Nearly half of Americans don’t believe in justice after Ferguson shooting

People put their hands up as a symbol to honor Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by an unnamed police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Missouri, at the borough of Brooklyn in New York August 14, 2014. (Reuters / Eduardo Munoz)

Forty-five percent of US citizens don’t trust in justice amid police killings of civilians, according to a poll by HuffPost and YouGov in the immediate aftermath of the shooting of Michael Brown, a black teen, by a white officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

Ferguson fatal police shooting and popular protests – TIMELINE

At the same time, 37 percent of Americans do trust the justice system, while 19 percent are undecided.

The poll also found that 43 percent think police violence with the use of lethal force happens too often in the US, while 32 percent disagreed with the statement.

The reaction to Brown’s fatal shooting on August 9, and the protests of thousands of people that followed, was different, depending on the political beliefs and ethnicity of the respondents.

Democrats were three times more likely to speak out against deadly police violence than Republicans, the poll found.

Sixty-nine of black Americans thought the officers used lethal force too frequently, while only 37 percent of white Americans thought so. Over 65 percent of black US citizens don’t trust the justice system to deal with the guilty, while 40 percent of the white population don’t believe in the system either.

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