Chaos broke out in the streets of Ferguson on Friday night, the same day that policeannounced the name of the officer who killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown andreleased footage appearing to show Brown stealing cigarettes from a convenience store. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson later said Friday the initial contact between Brown and officer Darren Wilson was not related to a convenience store robbery.
A peaceful protest on Friday night turned into another confrontation with police after some in the crowd reportedly threw rocks and people began looting stores, including the convenience store that Brown was accused of robbing. Police formed lines and fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.
In the midst of it all, protesters took it upon themselves to guard stores against looting.
Young man explaining why he is protecting store from looters
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) August 16, 2014
“Ain’t nobody going in this motherfucker, bro” – resident guarding beauty
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 16, 2014
Men are trying to stop others from looting the liquor store. “Man you’re better than that”
— Amanda M. Sakuma (@iamsakuma) August 16, 2014
Community members trying to calm down crowd in front of #ferguson mart and liquor
— Conetta (@BmoreConetta) August 16, 2014
“They think we all ignorant niggas but we’re not. We protecting this.”
— Trymaine Lee (@trymainelee) August 16, 2014
“Who you out here for? Better be for Mike Brown.” Protesters guarding a liquor store from looters early Saturday a.m.
— Trymaine Lee (@trymainelee) August 16, 2014
Some reporters on scene noted that police appeared to be hanging back from intervening with looters, and that a small minority of protesters was looting.
As a store burns, cars do donoughts in the street, people loot, others stop them & the city turns chaotic police say nothing & sit in trucks
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) August 16, 2014
Despite looting, police have not moved from their position. Still holding back#Ferguson
— Conetta (@BmoreConetta) August 16, 2014
Despite looting, police have not moved from their position. Still holding back#Ferguson
— Conetta (@BmoreConetta) August 16, 2014
there are a few rogue dudes who want to fuck shit up most residents trying to stop, stop looting stop violence.
— Amy K. Nelson (@AmyKNelson) August 16, 2014
Cops nowhere near. Crowd policing ITSELF. Community leaders and NIO/Panthers PREVENTING LOOTING
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 16, 2014
Hundreds in the streets. Only a few dozen attempting to loot. Dozens more physically trying to prevent
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 16, 2014
Read more @ HuffPo