COLLAPSE? Radio Station Claims Primary Witness Will Admit Michael Brown Charged Officer Darren Wilson


From Bob Owens, Bearing Arms

Radio station KFNS-FM (100.7 FM, “The Viper”) of Troy, Missouri is reporting on its Facebook page a bombshell of a claim:

Remember, you saw it and heard it here first. We have heard (from a VERY connected national media source) that Ferguson officer Darren Wilson will be cleared in the shooting of Michael Brown. The key: Dorian Johnson has now admitted that Michael Brown attacked Officer Wilson and attempted to take his gun. OFFICER WILSON WILL NOT BE CHARGED! This is scary. When this news is made official, we all have reason to be concerned about the reaction.

If KFNS-FM’s claim that primary witness Dorian Johnson has admitted that Michael Brown turned and charged Officer Darren Wilson turns out to be accurate, it strongly suggests that Officer Darren Wilson be exonerated, and that his shooting of Michael Brown will be found to have been in self-defense.

The claim comes on the day after a night of protests in which 47 people were arrested and three loaded handguns were recovered.

The St. Louis County Circuit Court  grand jury is scheduled to begin hearing evidence as early as today on the incident, depending on the ability of St. Louis County prosecutors to get witnesses to court to testify. Local reporter Christine Byers has claimed that police have more than a dozen witnesses that will testify that the 6’4″, 290 lbs Brown charged Officer Wilson.

We caution Bearing Arms readers to take these claims with a degree of skepticism until we hear the official word from St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCullouch.