Michael Brown Family Heading To New York To March In Al Sharpton’s Latest Race Baiting Event…
Payback for Sharpton’s help stoking racial strife in Ferguson.
Via Politico:
The family of Michael Brown will attend a march Saturday led by the Rev. Al Sharpton on Staten Island on behalf of Eric Garner, who died last month in the borough’s Tompkinsville neighborhood.
Last Saturday, Sharpton had suggested that Brown’s family would attend, but shortly thereafter, a spokeswoman for the National Action Network said the family wasn’t yet sure because it hadn’t yet planned a funeral for Brown.
Benjamin Crump, the attorney for the family, has since announced that Brown’s funeral and memorial service would be held on Monday.
NY1 reported that the Brown family confirmed attendance for the rally on Wednesday.
Sharpton has visited Ferguson at the invitation of Brown’s parents, whose 18-year-old son Michael was shot and killed while unarmed by white police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9. Sharpton and other civil rights leaders have linked Brown’s death to that of Garner, the 43-year-old black man who was killed after a New York Police Department officer put him in a chokehold on July 17. A medical examiner has since ruled his death a homicide.
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