White House sends three officials to Brown funeral, only sent one official to funeral for Gen. Greene

brown funeralOn Saturday, the Washington Post said the White House would send three officials to Monday’s funeral for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old shot by Ferguson officer Darren Wilson.  By contrast, only one official — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel — attended the funeral for Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, the highest ranking officer killed in Afghanistan.

The Post reported:

According to a White House official, Broderick Johnson, who heads the White House’s My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will attend the service along with Marlon Marshall, a St. Louis native who attended high school with Brown’s mother. Heather Foster, who works with Marshall in the White House Office of Public Engagement, will also be in the pews at Brown’s funeral.


Not only was Hagel the only official to attend Greene’s funeral, Obama said nothing for two days.

Others weighed in:


A very good point…

Interesting wording, considering that last December, retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely told this writer that Jarrett “pulls all the strings.”



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