The acrimonious relationship between Fox News and President Obama is well known, and it comes as no surprise that the channel’s commentators often take shots at the Democratic leader.
The comments made by one guest on Thursday went to a new low, however, as they likened the President to a ‘skinny, ghetto crackhead’.
Brent Bozell, a conservative commentator and guest on Fox News, was discussing bias in the media, citing how liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews insulted Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and with little to to no backlash.
Mr Bozell took issue with the fact Mr Matthews said that Mr Gingrich ‘looked like a car-bomber’ in a video clip this past March.
Mr Matthews repeated the comparison several times, adding that he thought Mr Gingrich has ‘got that crazy Mephistophelian grin of his. He looks like he likes torturing.’