When the name George W. Bush is mentioned, it conjures up a mixture of feelings from admiration to pure hatred, depending on who you talk to. There are those who claim he loved America and others who claim that he did everything he could to destroy the country, while praising Obama in their next breath. There are plenty of things he should’ve done differently, and most can agree that the Patriot Act was a bad deal all around.
Whether you love him or loathe him, he spoke some prophetic words before he left office that should’ve been taken to heart by those from both sides of the aisle. He issued a statement and commented on how it would be a detriment to America, the region of Iraq, and Afghanistan if we pulled our troops out before the job was complete. His critics, largely from the left side of the spectrum, vehemently demanded that our troops be brought home and allow the chips to fall where they may.
Barack Obama campaigned on bringing our troops home as well as shutting down Guantanamo. He brought a majority of our troops home and many argue that it was too soon because in the days since, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been slaughtering men, women, and children in their quest to control the region and annihilate all who refuse to convert to the cult of Islam.
REPORT: ISIS militants have executed up to 770 Iraqi troops in Tikrit
Although GITMO has yet to be shut down, Obama has been doing his part to empty the facility by releasing terrorist operatives. This was seen when Obama broke the law by trading FIVE terrorist operatives for the release of Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl’s.

Never in history had America negotiated with terrorists but Obama being the usurper that he is, broke that tradition and in doing so he showed the world how weak America has become.
I cannot help but wonder how different things would be today, how many lives would’ve been saved, had the words of George W. Bush been taken to heart and we hadn’t pulled out of the region before being able to say “mission accomplished”…with it actually being the truth.