Brother of James Foley: ‘I was threatened by the State Department’

The brother of murdered American journalist James Foley said his family was “appalled” by the government’s handling of Foley’s case and accused the Obama administration of threatening him when he tried to raise funds for his brother’s release from ISIS — the terrorist group that beheaded him in an Internet video that shocked the world.

“They were actually an impedance,” Michael Foley said of the U.S. government’s role in rescuing his older brother, a photojournalist who was kidnapped by ISIS militants in northern Syria in 2012 and held captive for 21 months before he was executed by the terrorist group.

U.S. policy does not allow for government negotiations with terrorist organizations or ransom payments for Americans kidnapped by them. Foley, however, said the administration made it difficult for the family to privately raise funds on its own to secure his brother’s release.

“They got in our way,” Foley told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly in an exclusive interview Thursday. “That’s what really bothers me to the core.”

“I was specifically threatened by the Department of State about raising funds towards ransom demands for my brother,” he said. “We were smart enough to look past it but it slowed us down. We lost a lot of time.”

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