Missouri school tells boy of 7yrs, his 9/11 souvenir violates school weapons policy

A souvenir shell casing handed out by veterans at a 9/11 ceremony landed a seven-year-old Missouri boy in hot water when he took the keepsake to school.

This photo, provided by Fox affiliate WDAF-TV, shows the souvenir shell casing.
This photo, provided by Fox affiliate WDAF-TV, shows the souvenir shell casing.

Sherry Falke said her son, Zane, forgot he had the souvenir in his pocket when he showed up for class on Tuesday, Fox4KC.com reported. The boy was given the souvenir at a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony in Carrollton, Mo.

“He felt it in his pocket, and he took it out and was showing some of his friends at school,” Falke told the station.

“The principal proceeded to reprimand him as though he were bringing live ammunition to school,” she said. “I understand that’s in the policy, in the handbook, that they can’t bring guns to school. I fully support that, but it’s an empty blank casing.”

Falke said her son’s teacher seized the shell casing and took him to the principal’s office. She claims they Zane he could be suspended from school for 10 days, but instead gave him a silent lunch where he sat by himself and missed two recesses.

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