Twenty Years of Guns On The Streets

This is despite an onslaught of media coverage that experts declared was unbiased and accurate — yet it forecast bloody disasters that never occurred. No corrections were ever issued.
This is despite an onslaught of media coverage that experts declared was unbiased and accurate — yet it forecast bloody disasters that never occurred. No corrections were ever issued.

The lamestream media told you:


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Talk is already circulating on what to do to recognize a special firearms anniversary coming up late this year. In October we’ll be recognizing the fact that 20 years ago, millions of decent Arizonans acquired the ability to discreetly carry firearms legally, and virtually no one was harmed — although it required a government permission slip and a lot of red tape at first.


This is despite an onslaught of media coverage that experts declared was unbiased and accurate — yet it forecast bloody disasters that never occurred. No corrections were ever issued.

We found that permittees and others do not shoot each other at traffic lights, and all the slow waiters are still alive. Stories from the armed people evidence the crime-stopping power of an armed population.

Whenever you deny a person’s civil rights, you are doing evil and it will have bad consequences,” said Charles Heller, a spokesperson for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, a Wisconsin-based civil-rights group.

The organization works to raise awareness of the link between disarming the public and genocide, the roots of which run deep throughout history and have touched many nations.

“Twenty years after Arizonans regained the civil right to discreetly carry firearms, we have incontrovertible proof that regular citizens can carry loaded guns in public without becoming dangerous to public safety, or leaving dead bodies behind them as the anti-rights extremists predicted in their Wild West fantasies,” said Jeff Knox, director of The Firearms Coalition, a civil-rights group based in Buckeye, Ariz.

What the public has also noticed is that something in the culture is breaking down, because psychotic maniacs, frequently on prescribed FDA-approved psychotropic drugs, are roaming free and perpetrating acts of horrific disgrace on completely unsuspecting innocent people, murdering them in public before committing suicide.

The same media that falsely threatened psychotic madness from people who were tested and got government-issued permits – the blood never ran –– saturates the public with tales of the psycho murderers, nationwide, never letting the stories end.

Just this year (6/26/14), USA Today, “The Nation’s Newspaper,” ran a major story in its Phoenix edition about two people shot dead in a horrific ghetto insultingly named Liberty City — 2,000 miles away.

“What possible relevance does that have here?” asked one expert. “Where is any semblance of balance with stories about all the lives saved by people with firearms?”

There is none, and there are no ethical consequences, though dire loss of revenues and readers might be attributed to the poor workmanship.

Then, according to critics, when challenged the media people hide behind the First Amendment. The public seems to be without recourse against such prejudice in such a well-entrenched enemy of truth.

There was a reason for the story however. It accompanied a tale from billionaire anti-rights activist Mike Bloomberg, who has two of his funded groups campaigning to change how statistics are collected and analyzed, to show that guns are worse than currently portrayed. I’m not making this up. How much control can one person exercise?

The story also campaigns to have the federal Centers for Disease Control get and spend money developing anti-gun-rights “medical” policy, which is forbidden by law. The public was warned that Bloomberg would start doing this at the Gun Rights Policy Conference back in September, 2013.

Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Bloomfield Press, founded in 1988, is the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Our website,, features a free national directory to gun laws and relevant contacts in all states and federally, along with our unique line of related books and DVDs. “After Your Shoot” for media review is available on request, call 800-707-4020. Our authors are available for interview, call to schedule. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed analysis on proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard, fact sheets and position papers. As we always say, “It doesn’t make sense to own a gun and not know the rules.”

Read more: AmmoLand
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