[VIDEO] Pittsburgh cops sued for Tasering man grieving over step-son’s body

The family of a deceased Pennsylvania man has filed a federal lawsuit alleging that police forcefully and unnecessarily ejected the slain gunshot victim’s step-father from a Pittsburgh emergency room in June 2012.

Surveillance camera footage recorded from the ER at UPMC Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh more than two years ago shows Rev. Earl Baldwin Jr., a local community activist known for speaking out against street violence, crying over the body of his dead 23-year-old stepson, Mileek Grissom.

“I needed to tell him his family was going to be okay,” Baldwin toldWPXI this week. “I was going to do everything I could to make sure they were okay.”


As he sobbed above the boy however, surveillance camera footage shows that police officers in the emergency room started to wrestle Baldwin away from his step-son, with one cop eventually using his Taser stun-gun on the man.

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