U.S. Congressman Linked To Muslim Terrorist Organization

U.S. Congressman Linked To Muslim Terrorist Organization

A Muslim woman who has been recognized by the White House in the past as a ‘Champion of Change’ took to twitter recently to thank Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) for his “generous contribution” to a Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. Linda Sarsour – the woman who sent out several tweets about the event Congressman Moran attended – has a bit of controversial past herself.

Sarsour did not say how much money the Democrat donated.

Moran is a Democrat who represents the Alexandria district in northern Virginia. He’s not running for reelection in 2014.

The Islamic group also gave the Democrat a “Lifetime Achievement Award” during the fundraising event, which provided CAIR with at least $350,000.

Critics say the Democrat has repeatedly suggested that Jews are responsible for starting various wars in the Arab countries.

As for Sarsour, in addition to being championed by the Obama administration, she opposed the ‘Honor Diaries’, a documentary designed to draw attention to the war on women in the Muslim world. She also was part of Occupy Wall Street in 2011 as Shoebat.com reported.

Moran began establishing his bonafides as a complicit actor with Muslim Brotherhood individuals and front groups years ago. Consider this undated photo circa the late 1990’s / 2000:

Alamoudi (back left), Moran, Estwani, and Saffuri.

Seen in the photo with Moran is Abdurahman Alamoudi, Bassam Estwani, and Khaled Saffuri (other man unidentified). In 2003, Alamoudi was arrested on charges related to terrorism and was ultimately convicted to 23 years in prison one year later. Estwani is the former chairman of the highly suspect Dar al-Hijrah mosque, which has been home to and visited by multiple terrorists, to include three 9/11 hijackers. Anwar al-Awlaki was the imam there. Saffuri was once considered to be Alamoudi’s deputy, who along with Grover Norquist founded the Islamic Institute.

In 1999, Alamoudi cut two separate checks – each in the amount of $10,000 to the Islamic Institute – one a loan and one an apparent gift – that served to help Norquist establish the Institute with Saffuri.

Checks written to Norquist's Institute.

What does all of this have to do with Rep. Moran?

Well more than a decade after he befriended individuals connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, he’s still doing it.

For some contrast, watch how Moran treated conservative journalist Jason Mattera back in 2010 when Mattera asked the Congressman legitimate questions about government stimulus money going to a district that doesn’t exist. Moran wanted to fight him. With Moran’s past, it’s understandable why he might be a little touchy when confronted with something he can’t explain.

As an aside, is anyone else curious about the men surrounding Moran in this video?


by  on September 29, 2014 in FeaturedGeneralIkhwanLeaks