Top 10 Things You Need To Do NOW For Protection Against An Ebola Outbreak

Medial-Records-Hospital-Nurse-DoctorNow that Ebola “patient zero” has been confirmed in the United States, it’s clear that Ebola is spreading far beyond the control of any government or health department. Just weeks ago, President Obama promised Ebola wouldn’t arrive in the United States, but now it’s here.

The CDC is promising that they can keep it all under control for this patient discovered to have carried Ebola into Dallas. But can they also contain the next Ebola patient? How about the one after that? And how does any government contain a viral pandemic that can’t be stopped with bullets and bombs?

In truth, if you want to be safe from the increasingly likely possibility of an Ebola outbreak in North America, you need to take steps NOW to protect yourself. That’s what I specialize in. I’m the creator of the website which has now taught pandemic preparedness skills and lifesaving knowledge to over one million people.

Here are the highlights of what you need to be doing right now, in preparation for a pandemic outbreak:

#1) Boost your immune system function with medicinal herbs and nutrients

All patients who have survived Ebola so far can credit their immune systems for saving their lives.

Anyone who is not actively taking steps right now to significantly boost their immune function with anti-viral herbs, natural medicines, superfoods and nutritional supplements is putting their own life at risk.

I’ve listed the full details of exactly which immune-boosting items to acquire and use in Episode Six of the Pandemic Preparedness course.

Episode Seven also teaches you how to stop suppressing your immune system with toxic chemicals and medications. Listen to these two episodes now if you want to live through a pandemic outbreak.

Or, if you prefer to die, just follow the CDC’s official advice to “wash your hands” and wait around for an experimental vaccine while doing nothing to help yourself in the interim.

#2) Significantly enhance your local food supplies in anticipation of quarantines and food disruptions

One of the first things that happens in a medical quarantine is that food quickly becomes scarce. There are three reasons for this:

1) The quarantine restricts movement of transport traffic into and out of the quarantine zone.

2) Drivers of transport vehicles refuse to make deliveries into the quarantine zone.

3) Citizens stuck inside the quarantine zone begin to stockpile all supplies in anticipation of supply shortages.

Currently, millions of citizens in Sierra Leone are suffering under a hellish quarantine which has resulted in a near-total economic collapse of the region.

If you don’t believe me, see this Washington Post article entitled Ebola-stricken Liberia is descending into economic hell.

#3) Anticipate disruptions in everything: banking, emergency services, water, power and more

When any region is subjected to a medical quarantine, it means citizens in that region can’t go to work. Those workers run the banks, police departments, water treatment facilities, power plants and so on.

When those workers stay home under a quarantine order, all those businesses and facilities they used to run suddenly cease to function. That’s when the local ATMs stop working and basic infrastructure services (such as municipal water) are at risk of disruptions or shutdowns.

How will you survive if you have no food deliveries to the grocery store? No 911 emergency services? No electricity? No tap water? No hospital emergency rooms?

#4) Acquire basic medical protection and isolation gear, including plastic sheeting

If Ebola spreads throughout North America, hospitals will be quickly overrun with patients. Most people seeking medical care will be sent home to die. Presently, 82% of infected patients in Africa are being turned away from hospitals and told to go home.

Do you have basic medical supplies at home to take care of yourself or an infected family member? Do you have isolation supplies to isolate one infected family member from other members of your family?

I cover this in extensive detail in Episode 12 (not yet published but coming soon) at

Expect many important supplies to be completely wiped out in the coming days and weeks. For example, at the time of this writing, you can purchase a pack of 25 Tyvek body suits with hoods at for just $134. That’s a little over $5 a suit.

By the time you read this, however, all those suits will probably be sold out. You can click here to check if I’m right. In a pandemic outbreak in North America, these suits will likely be auctioned on eBay for $100 each (or more).

Those who prepare in advance can save a small fortune on the items everyone will suddenly want all at the same time. If you don’t already have full-body isolation suits stocked and ready, you’re already behind the preparedness curve.

Remember: BEFORE the outbreak, each of these suits could be purchased for less than a Starbucks coffee. But AFTER the outbreak spreads, you probably won’t be able to find them at any price.

#5) Have a bug-out plan ready to go, and have the fuel and gear to follow your plan

If Ebola begins to spread in your local city, do you have a plan to evacuate before the quarantine occurs?

Medical quarantines should truthfully be called “death zones” because once they’re put in place, no one is allowed to leave until they’re either immune or dead… or until the viral transmission has completely halted (which usually only happens after everyone is either immune or dead).

The smart play is to get out of the high-density population centers and relocate to a rural area long before a quarantine order comes into play.

Quarantine orders happen without warning. That’s on purpose because the government doesn’t want people fleeing an “upcoming” quarantine area, thereby causing the virus to spread even farther. So by definition, all quarantines happen instantly, without warning. This simply means if you haven’t bugged out beforehand, you will likely not be able to bug out at all.

#6) Get some extra cash in anticipation of financial and electronic commerce disruptions

If a medical quarantine is announced in your local area, it won’t take long for local banks and cash machines to be out of order.

How will you acquire the cash to purchase all the supplies you’ll desperately need in a quarantine? Food prices will instantly skyrocket, and anti-viral herbs and natural medicines will be almost priceless (if you can find them at all).

Cash will still be acceptable for commerce in nearly all areas, so having cash is your ticket to being able to acquire the items you need, many of which will be sold only at inflated, black market prices.

If a large percentage of the population decides they all need some cash all at once, expect bank holidays and closures to commence soon thereafter. Our banking system is so fragile that it can’t handle a large number of depositors making cash withdrawals at the same time.

#7) Set aside a large, reliable, self-contained water source

Where will you get water if the local water treatment facility stops functioning? Most people have no idea.

You will need a large supply of backup water stored on site. The easiest solution is to buy a bathtub water bob and fill it to the max. This will give you 100 gallons or so — a good start that might last you a few days.

As I was writing this article, I just checked the availability of Water Bobs on, and not surprisingly, they’re already sold out.

This is exactly what I’ve been warning people about. The nature of all the supply lines for food, medicine and preparedness products is that everything will be almost instantly sold out the moment the masses figure out what’s really happening.

For many items, it may already be too late.

Here’s an actual quote from a Facebook user — a person who reflects the kind of delusional denial that has been rampant across American society on many topics: “Just because the CDC said that Ebola infections could reach 1.4 million by the end of January, don’t worry – you will be fine. Ebola will always be somewhere else – not here.”

Such statements are, of course, delusional. And when it comes to a viral pandemic like Ebola, delusional means dead.

#8) Have a plan for household safety and defense against looters

If you wake up one morning and find yourself locked down in a medical quarantine zone, how exactly are you planning to protect your household from looters who are desperate for food, water and other supplies? Do you seriously think the government is going to have the manpower to guard your home and ensure your safety? Not a chance. Not even if they want to.

Sure, all your neighbors are likely to be very police and civil for the first 72 hours or so. But once the food starts to run out, the thin veneer of politeness quickly vanishes. When facing extreme hunger, there’s almost nothing people won’t do in order to survive, including looting your home and, if necessary, killing people in the process.

If you don’t already have a plan to defend your own home against looters and intruders, now might be a really great time to put a plan in place, before things get any crazier. A pandemic outbreak will no doubt cause another run on guns and ammo just like happened after the December 2012 Sandy Hook shootings. (I still can’t find 22LR!)

#9) Consider permanently moving away from high-density population centers

Bizarre viral pandemics and superbugs are sweeping across our planet right now. Human activity has caused wild imbalances in the natural ecosystems, and we should all expect to see wave after wave of pandemic diseases for decades to come.

In any pandemic, cities quickly become death traps due to the high population density found there. Rural areas are inherently safer from infectious disease precisely because they have far lower population densities (and therefore fewer opportunities for disease to spread among humans).

If you still live in the city but you’ve always considered getting out into the country, right now might be a great time to take a fresh look at those plans and start taking action. You still have time to make the move. Even “successful” viral pandemics require many months to spread across large populations. Ebola may take 1-2 years to really start spreading in U.S. cities… or it may never spread in America at all if they can keep it contained. (Let’s hope it never spreads, but let’s also be prepared in case it does…)

Sooner or later, a viral pandemic that cannot be controlled will sweep through the world population. When that day comes — and it may have just started on Sep. 30, 2014 with “patient zero” in Dallas — you would be wise to be living far away from population centers.

#10) Plan to have no medical assistance from hospitals or doctors

During a pandemic outbreak, you can expect to have no medical help whatsoever from hospitals or doctors. Many doctors and hospital staff will rapidly become infected, and many will die. Others will be far too preoccupied with other patients to take on any more.

Expect all hospital beds to be quickly filled, after which patients will be directed to go home and deal with the infections themselves. (This has already happened in Liberia and Sierra Leone.)

Dialing 911 will be useless, and emergency transportation vehicles such as ambulances will of course be thoroughly contaminated with the Ebola virus.

This might be a good idea to bone up on your self-reliance skills as taught in an online summit beginning today.

#11) Understand that medications, junk food and toxic chemicals make you more vulnerable to infections

Here’s something the mainstream media almost never talks about: medications deplete your body of immune-boosting nutrients, making you even more susceptible to viral infections.

I have written extensively about this exact point in an article entitled Over-medicated, immunosuppressed Americans likely to suffer high fatality rate if Ebola sweeps across USA — published on September 22, 2014.

In that article, I explain how the mass medication of Americans has made the USA uniquely vulnerable to an Ebola wipeout. It is my opinion that those Americans who wish to survive Ebola need to work with qualified naturopathic physicians to get off their meds as quickly as possible and transition to a health-enhancing lifestyle that boosts immune function and bolsters your defenses against infections.

Remember: Every single person who has so far survived Ebola has been saved by their own immune system. Your immune system can also save your life, too — but only if you support it and stop suppressing it.

Episode Seven of my free online Pandemic Preparedness course discusses this in great detail, outlining all the areas of your day-to-day life where you might be harming your own immune system.

Silly advice from the CDC: Wash your hands and wait for a vaccine

When it comes to protecting yourself from a pandemic, don’t expect any useful advice from official sources. So far, the advice from the CDC boils down to “wash your hands” and “wait for a vaccine.”

Such advice is near-useless, and the CDC’s outright refusal to even discuss the importance of immune-boosting supplements and natural cures is downright negligent. Right now, Americans need to be taking immediate steps to enhance their immune function and boost their nutritional intake. This is how we can save lives during a pandemic.

H/T: RedFlag News