mike-brown-no-justice-no-peace-apThe cable news klieg lights, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson may have moved on, but residents of Ferguson, MO continue to experience nearly nightly unrest stemming from the shooting death of Michael Brown. Eye witnesses have told Breitbart News that pro-Palestinian and other Muslim activist groups are a growing presence in the protests.

On October 10th, a number of these groups, named “The Palestine Contingent,” are planning to join a “Weekend of Resistance” in Ferguson to highlight the connection between the Midwest community and Gaza.

From its call to action:

Local groups including the Organization for Black Struggle and the St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, joined by national groups listed below, are inviting those who support the Palestinian struggle for liberation to stand in solidarity with the people of Ferguson as part of a Palestine contingent in response to the call. We recognize that none of us is free until all of us are free.

The effort is part of a broader protest and direct actions planned over the holiday weekend. On Monday, organizers hope to engage in “direct actions” of civil disobedience throughout the St. Louis areas. The “Palestine Contingent is planning “[a]ction focused on a target highlighting intersections of militarized policing in Ferguson and Palestine.”

The “Palestine Contingent” includes:

  • St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee
  • Organization for Black Struggle
  • U.S. Palestinian Community Network
  • Muslims for Ferguson
  • US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
  • Council on American Islamic Relations – St. Louis
  • Palestinian BDS National Committee
  • National Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Palestine
  • African Americans for Justice in the Middle East and North Africa.

The details of what happened this summer in Ferguson remain unclear. As the facts of the situation became more complicated, the national media largely left town. Radical leftists, however, seem to have poured into Ferguson in their wake.

Also see the related post:

DEVELOPING: Is Ferguson about Mike Brown, or Islamic relations and ISIS support?

Read more from Mike Flynn @ BreitBart

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