A former Reagan administration aide has called on southern US states to secede and establish an ultraconservative nation based on opposition to same-sex marriage and other advances in gay rights.

Former presidential aide Douglas MacKinnon told radio interviewer Janet Mefferd that he has authored a new book he believes is a blueprint for southern states to secede from the US in order to defend so-called traditional values. He said the new nation – led by the states of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida – should be named ‘Reagan,’ after his former boss, the 40th president of America.
“If you do believe in the Golden Rule, then you’re seeing all of this unravel before our eyes daily, unfortunately,” he said of supposed repression faced by those who are anti-equality.
“If you happen to make a donation in favor of traditional marriage, you can lose your job. If you happen to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple because it goes against your religious beliefs, you can be driven out of business.”
As The Huffington Post pointed out, MacKinnon wrote an editorial earlier this year in which he alleged that the Walt Disney Company followed a “pro-gay agenda” and was trying to “indoctrinate” children.
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