The Washington Post (WaPo) published a story on October 23 expressing thanks to God that Canadian Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers saved an untold number of lives and further carnage in Canada’s Parliament. He drew a gun and shot and killed Michael Zehif-Bibeau, the recent Islamic convert who had shot and killed a Canadian Forces reservist and was running through Parliament trying to reach the gallery of MPs.
On October 22, Breitbart News reported that Vickers, a good guy with a gun, ended the terror attack by ending Zehif-Bibeau’s life. This point is not lost on The Washington Post, which on October 23 2014 ran a story thanking God for Vickers and his gun. According to WaPo, “In numerous news reports, Vickers, 58, is already being held as a national hero who eyewitnesses say prevented a massacre that would have been nothing short of a national tragedy.”
The article continued:
By all accounts, the white-haired grandfather, a decorated veteran of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, kept cool amid the chaos as dozens of bullets flew in the corridors, went in his office, retrieved his weapon and with a firm hand and a steely eye shot a killer before he could kill again. Vickers, who is 6 feet 4 inches tall, then walked away, gun-in-hand, having “taken care of business,” as one news outlet put it.
After the attack, Craig Scott, who represents Toronto-Danforth, tweeted that members of Canada’s Parliament “owe their safety, even lives, to Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers who shot [the] attacker just outside the MPs’ caucus rooms.”
After saving lives, Vickers “called his mother to say he was safe.”
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AWR Hawkins writes for all the BIG sites, for Pajamas Media, for, for and now AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.
His southern drawl is frequently heard discussing his take on current events on radio shows like America’s Morning News, the G. Gordon Liddy Show, the Ken Pittman Show, and the NRA’s Cam & Company, among others. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal (summer 2010), and he holds a PhD in military history from Texas Tech University.
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Source: AmmoLand
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