Ferguson Protests heading to Geneva to the UN……

You can see the full case they will be presenting under the call of Human Rights. 

The below text is from their website listing goals and monetary donation requirements for the “cause” 



We are ready to take our case before the global community.

In the absence of justice from the local, state, and federal government, the family of Michael Brown and Ferguson protesters are ready to take our case before the global community. We have submitted a brief to the United Nations (UN), and we will formally present it on November 12th and 13th in Geneva, Switzerland. The goal is not only to achieve justice in Ferguson, but to unite governments around the world against the human rights violations that result from racial profiling and police violence.


The #FergusonToGeneva contingent is comprised of:
  • Leslie McSpadden —Mother of Michael Brown
  • Family Attorney Daryl Parks
  • UN Shadow Report Authors Justin Hansford & Meena Jagannath
  • Activists & Protesters Kareem Jackson (aka Tef Poe), Brittany Ferrell, Brandon Sneed, & Charles Wade.

The remaining cost of this trip for the contingent is $11,000, which includes airfare, room and board, and per diem from November 9-14th.

Please donate directly via PayPal here:




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