The Ferguson protest group known as No has released a list of potential targets, should the St. Louis County Courthouse decide against a grand jury trial and indictment of officer Darren Wilson regarding the Mike Brown incident.
The published map shows expected landmarks such as Ferguson City Hall, St. Louis County Police Department, and of course the County Courthouse.
READ: [VIDEO] Ferguson Protesters Discuss Plans to Target White Neighborhoods
It also marks things on the map to be targeted that have absolutely nothing to do with the situation in Ferguson surrounding the Michael Brown incident such as the Ritz Carlton hotel, Anheuser-Busch Headquarters, Lambert International Airport, and even Boeing.
As The Gateway Pundit said:
Most telling thing is the mark for Emerson Electric. Emerson has been in Ferguson for at least 50 years, long before Ferguson became a minority municipality. Yet not only do they mark Emerson they make note of the CEO’s salary. Maybe they’re mutating into an extortion group straight out of the playbook of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition?
Below is the published list of potential St. Louis area targets.
Potential Action Locations
- Robert McCulloch’s office
- St. Louis County Justice Center
- Stephanie Karr’s office
- Olin Corporation Headquarters
- Judge Maura McShane’s courtroom
- St. Louis County Police Department
- Governor Nixon’s Office (Wainwright Building)
- Clayton School District Office
- Department of Justice
- Dean Plocher’s office
- Ronald Brockmeyer’s office
- Dan Boyle’s office
- Thomas Flach’s office
- Regal III Market
- Canfield Green Apartments
- Ferguson Police Department & Jail
- West Florissant Quick Trip
- Missouri Botanical Gradens
- Powell Symphony Hall
- Monsanto Headquarters
- Peabody Energy Headquarters
- Anheuser-Busch Headquarters
- Emerson Electric Headquarters
- Steve Stenger’s lawfirm
- St. Louis Art Museum
- Gateway Arch
- Peabody Opera House
- Ritz Carlton
- Lambert International Airport
- Mayor Slay
- Boeing
- St. Louis City Police Department
- St. Louis Galleria
- Plaza Frontenac
- Six Stars Market
- Colonel Jon Belmar
- Senator Roy Blunt
- Senator Claire McCaskill
- St. Louis City Justice Center
- St. Ann Police Department & Jail
- Clayton City Hall
- GCI Security, Inc.
- St. Louis County Council
- Clayton Police Department & Jail
- Ferguson City Hall
- Lacy Clay’s Office
- Donors
- Husch Blackwell LLP
- Martin Insurance Group LLC
- Stone, Leyton & Gershman
- University Square Company
- Stone & Alter Real Estate
- Carey & Danis LLC
- The Law Firm of Thomas C Antoniou LLC
- Hammond & Shinners Law Firm
- Collinsville Acquisitions Inc
- Thompson Coburn
- Commercial Bank
- Sanctuaries
- Greater St. Mark Family Church
- Veterans for Peace Office
- St. John’s Episcopal Church
- Hospitals
- St. Louis University Hospital
- SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center
- SSM St. Mary’s Health Center
- Barnes Jewish Hospital
- St. Alexius Hospital
- Kindred Hospital
- Southwest Medical Center
The Ferguson Mike Brown protesters are not ruling out violence or looting, of course that is no surprise to anyone.
“Rioting and looting are the tools of those without a voice. The rioting and looting, while I didn’t participate in it, was necessary. Without it we would not be standing here today.”
READ: Ferguson Cop Warns About What’s Coming: ‘Get A Gun, More Than One, We’re Unable to Protect You’
These mongrels will seek out any reason they can find to pillage and destroy their community, and then they make demands for it to be rebuilt. The community of Ferguson has proven to be rife with sub-human animals.