Updated: Bomb threat on inbound plane at JFK airport, squads mobilized

A bomb threat has been reported on a plane flying in from Barcelona to New York City’s JFK International Airport, according to the NYC Fire Department. However, a bomb squad that searched the plane returned empty-handed.

The bomb threat signal came from an American Airlines flight which, as NYFD tweeted, landed at runway 31R. The Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) was summoned to search the plane.

Sitting off the runway at JFK on @AmericanAir 67 from BCN and we are held after landing due to an unspecified threat. Welcome home?” Twitter user Jacob Rosenberg wrote, uploading some images of his exit from the plane.

Some 200 passengers were told to evacuate immediately. “Fairly uneventful if quick de planing,” Rosenberg tweets.

After the passengers were taken away in buses and the bomb squad searched the plane, no explosives were discovered, so officials deemed it safe to begin removing luggage.

No injuries or delays to flights were reported. The source of the alert remains unclear.

In 2007, four men were charged over a bomb plot at JFK International – one of the busiest airports in the US. Although the plot didn’t reach past the planning stage, the airport’s fuel tanks and pipelines were potentially disastrous intended targets.

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