The lamestream media told you:
We’ve all seen, read and heard the reports at this point, I’ve picked a specific few apart below.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
As near as I could tell from the fuzzy images the “news” programs preferred to report on at Ferguson:
First, it wasn’t people rioting in that town, it was Black people. Race seems to matter in so many other reports, why not here.

Next, and more important, the real news wasn’t that people were rioting, it was that Michael Brown, after committing a robbery, had assaulted a police officer and was attempting to take away his gun when he was shot.
If you attempt to take away a police officer’s gun you can plan on getting shot. Why would a 295-pound 18-year-old member of the Black community attempt to do that after committing a strong-arm robbery, that’s the question.
What drives people to such brazen acts of violence, especially pronounced in some communities and not in others, and what can be done in the future, to protect the police and these members of these communities.
Mr. Obama, formerly a community organizer, got on TV and forgot to mention, despite all the legitimate work that does need to go on between police and members of all communities, if you commit strong-arm robberies and then attempt to disarm police officers you ought to be, or at least are bound to be, shot.
In a now standard distortion of “news” reporting, cable news shows reported that people were demonstrating. “News” reporters ran breathlessly from one hot spot to another, eagerly showing looting, fire and destruction, with thrill in their voices. People weren’t demonstrating. Blacks were rioting, committing crimes. The media had an opportunity to collect video evidence of crimes in progress, with crisp, documentary, factual narrative.
Instead we got footage that seemed to go out of its way to obscure and cutaway from the identities of perpetrators.
And none of the live reports dealt with the real story –– the police officer, after months of investigatory work and literally social torture, had committed no crime – it was the black thug who had committed the crime, a likely felony assault on an officer (a gun snatch can amount to attempted murder, how many of you heard any coverage of that).

All the hype, the Al Sharpton and Barack Obama pronouncements that were wrong, officials’ stunning calls for preemptory judgments, incendiary and misleading editorials and broadcasts, the whole national frenzy was really over a criminal shot in the commission of a crime, not some wanton drooling police slaughter.
The liberals had once again worked themselves up into a frenzy over something that didn’t exist – a myth. Their fantasy, their fear, created a make-believe tragedy. Sort of like the 50-state fear of CCW permit holders they exhibited, now long forgotten.
Unarmed, this bad guy was in the process of attempting to arm himself with the officer’s high-capacity semi-automatic handgun. Who knows what he would have done with all that firepower if he had succeeded — or who we would be mourning today instead.
After the perp smashed the officer repeatedly in the face through the patrol-car window, the officer luckily got off two rounds, which probably saved his life. That’s the story here, untold by the “news.”
But thanks to the guilt-ridden mentally-disordered media, we will continue to have the misdirection version of the story ingrained into the nation consciousness, about some non-existent poor little harmless victim. That should be dropped from public view for the minor criminal nuisance it actually is in the scheme of things. Just another would-be overweight cop-killing miscreant stopped before he could do his lethal dirty work, and a cop who gets to go home to his family that night, as it should be.
From the Uninvited Ombudsman’s dictionary:
Racism. n. “A false charge of devastating power, that can be brought against a person in a debate when no real grounds exist, to gain advantage. See also, Political Correctness. The person charging racism is typically the racist.
“To the extent people prefer the company of their own race, which is a universally observed phenomenon, virtually all humans are racist, but this is merely the natural order of things and not racism or a problem. Birds of a feather flock together.” — Alan Korwin, The Uninvited Ombudsman
“Nothing is more fraudulent than calls for a ‘dialogue on race.’ Those who issue such calls are usually quick to cry ‘racism’ at any frank criticism. They are almost invariably seeking a monologue on race, to which others are supposed to listen.” — Thomas Sowell
Political Correctness. n. 1. “A wildly successful political tool of the left. 2. The inability to say or do what you really want, for fear of offending a person or group. 3. A disguised form of creeping socialism, that disavows traditional American values*, with rejection of personal responsibility for actions, and embracing instead centralized controls and power. 4. Implementable Orwell.”
* “The rights of the Bill of Rights, limited government, private property, free markets and enterprise, sovereignty of the individual, morality, independence instead of conformity, self interest as a driving force over enforced common-good approach, etc.”
“PC is the verbal equivalent of burning books. It is mind and thought control, pure and simple.” –Gary Sepp
3a- Media Misrepresents Ferguson Riots, Fuels Hatred
The lamestream media told you:
“Unrest exploded here, along Ferguson’s downtown strip, after Monday’s announcement that a grand jury would not indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.” -USA Today, 11/28/14
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
This story could just as easily say:
“Unrest exploded here, along Ferguson’s downtown strip, after Monday’s announcement that a grand jury found no grounds for indicting police officer Darren Wilson after black teenager Michael Brown beat and attempted to disarm him. Forensic evidence convincingly showed Wilson shot Brown during the assault in his police cruiser, and in the aftermath confrontation.”
“News media outlets subsequently produced saturation coverage and inflammatory reports presenting the incident as an apparent excess on the part of police, encouraging racial riots in the small predominantly black town. News-media ratings spiked as a result of the coverage. Television advertising rates for news shows are based on audience size.”
3b- Media Misrepresents Ferguson Riots, Fuels Hatred
The lamestream media told you:
” ‘I’ve invested everything I got into this place. There’s no way I’m leaving,’ said Natalie DuBois, 32, who opened her Ferguson, Mo., bakery, Natalie’s Cakes and More, just a couple of months before a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teen and turned this town into a tinderbox.” –USA Today, 11/28/14
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
This story could just as easily say:
“I’ve invested everything I got into this place. There’s no way I’m leaving,” said Natalie DuBois, 32, who opened her bakery, Natalie’s Cakes and More, just a couple of months before a black robbery suspect beat a police officer and attempted to arm himself with the police officer’s high-capacity semiautomatic handgun. The suspect was shot and killed before he could complete the felony, which led blacks in the town to riot and destroy numerous local businesses, including DuBois’ bakery.”
“Although race-based violence was forecast by many ‘community organizers,’ the white state governor refused to dispatch adequate law enforcement to quell angry mobs stirred up by inflammatory and misleading saturation news reports, now the subject of ongoing investigations. Other local business owners have expressed uncertainty as to whether they will reopen in the troubled mostly black area, with such failure to protect private property.”

3c- Troops Deployed to Ferguson After Rioting Is Over
The lamestream media told you:
“Missouri’s governor ordered hundreds more National Guard troops into a St. Louis suburb Tuesday after a night of violent protests over a grand jury’s decision not to indict a White police officer in the killing of an unarmed Black 18-year old, a case that has inflamed racial tensions in the U.S.” –Jim Salter and David A. Lieb, Associated Press, 11/26/14
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
This story could just as easily say:
“Missouri’s White governor ordered hundreds more National Guard troops into a St. Louis suburb Tuesday, too late to prevent a night of violent Black rioting over a grand jury’s decision not to indict a young White police officer. The officer had struggled against a Black 18-year-old robbery suspect who attempted to arm himself by stealing the officer’s handgun, after hitting the officer repeatedly in the face through a patrol-car window.”
“Inaccurate and inflammatory reporting about the assault on the officer by the media inflamed racial tensions across the U.S., provoking unheeded promises of impending racial looting and terror in Ferguson. Had the suspect succeeded in stealing the officer’s gun, it is likely the nation would be mourning the loss of this officer and not the thug who attempted the gun theft, an aggravated felony, punishable by decades in prison. Blacks are already incarcerated at elevated percentages over the population in general.”
3d- Panel set to study Ferguson fallout
The lamestream media told you:
” ‘They are tough, they are smart and they are empowered,’ governor Nixon said of the 16-member panel, charged with making recommendations on how to deal with issues raised by the shooting death of Michael Brown and the protests that followed… the commission will tackle several issues including the relationship between police and citizens, racial equities and disparities, the structure of municipal governments, public education and access to health care….” –USA Today, 11/19/14
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
“…the commission will tackle several issues including the relationship between police and citizens, racial equities and disparities, the structure of municipal governments, public education and access to health care…”.

Public education? Access to health care? In other words, social-welfare agendas and community activism will take center stage, real issues will be ignored and the whole thing will be a standard whitewash. Federal subsidies were unknown at press time.
The real hard-core issue of what police should do when repeatedly smashed in the face by robbery suspects attempting to steal their guns is not even on the drawing board.
Why a member of “the community” would do such a thing, and why “the community” would not rebuke such action has apparently not occurred to “community” members, the 16-member commission, the governor making the assignment, or USA Today in neatly reprinting the press release on the story. Perhaps the community-organizer-in-chief would know, though his officious statement didn’t address the issue either.

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Source: AmmoLand
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