[WATCH] Air Force Members *Silence* Crowd With A Heavenly Holiday Surprise!

The holidays are a busy time of year for the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. Kids have lots of field trips to attend, loved ones visit from out of state, and families just want to spend time together. There’s no denying it’s the BEST time of year!

That’s exactly why the members of the United States Air Force Band wanted to kick off the holiday season with a real bang. Many people believe the misconception that military bands are all pomp and circumstance, but as you’re about to see, they definitely know how to have some undercover fun.

In this awesome video, you’ll see a lone cellist sit down in the middle of the museum and start playing, much to everyone’s confusion. However, seconds later, the crowd hushes and it’s clear what is going on…the Air Force Band has orchestrated an EPIC flash mob!

I absolutely love their performance of Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,” a welcomed changed from some of the cheesier flash mobs people try to pull off this time of year!

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Source: Little Things

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