Dorian Johnson admits he lied when claiming that Mike Brown was shot in the back

Shouldn’t Johnson be prosecuted for not only the strong arm robbery he participated in with Michael Brown, but also for lying to the police, and inciting a riot?


From DC Beacon

Evidence made public in yet another evidence dump by the St. Louis Prosecutor’s office reveals an important eye witness has changed his story. When initially interviewed, Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown August 9th, insisted his friend was shot in the back. Four days later, Johnson was interviewed by the FBI. In that account, he basically told the same story and stated he was convinced Brown was shot in the back again.

Transcripts of Mr. Johnson’s Grand Jury testimony, however, reveal that he admitted he never saw a bullet strike Brown in the back. This detail, had it been clarified in August for the public, might have saved the people of Ferguson a few riots and some minority owned businesses. It was, after all, the actions of an aggressive white cop shooting an unarmed black teen in the back while he was trying to flee that caused all the rioting in the first place. Actions by said white cop we now know didn’t actually occur. And, that unarmed black teen had just stolen from and assaulted a convenience store clerk. Johnson is also in the video.

In light of this discovery, can the city of Ferguson hold Dorian Johnson responsible for all the unrest and destruction that has occurred in the aftermath due to the inaccuracy of his prior statement? If Johnson was with Mike Brown on the evening in question, was he a participant in the convenience store robbery? Should he be tried for the theft?

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