The face of peaceful Protesting in Ferguson, Mo Up on Charges

The St. Louis County prosecutor’s office filed charges against 19 year-old Joshua Williams.

joshua williams
Williams was frequently quoted and photographed protesting Michael Brown’s death. (KMOX)

In fact, MSNBC ran an entire exposé on the frequent Ferguson peaceful protester Joshua Williams.
joshua williams msnbc

Williams is charged with starting a fire at the Berkeley QuikTrip on early Christmas Eve. Williams was also charged with 2nd degree burglary and misdemeanor theft.

KMOV reported:

The St. Louis County prosecutor’s office has filed multiple charges against a North County man believed to be involved in an incident at QuikTrip on Christmas Eve.

Joshua L. Williams, 19, is charged with 1st degree arson, 2nd degree burglary and misdemeanor theft at the convenience store.

The incident happened after Berkeley police officers shot and killed Antonio Martin, 18, in the 6800 block of North Hanley at Mobil On the Run gas station.

Martin was allegedly armed and pointed a gun at officers.

Shortly after the shooting, people began gathering at On the Run.

Three explosive devices were set off, two at On the Run and one at QT. According to court records, Williams allegedly started a fire at the QT. He is also accused of stealing a lighter, gum and an undisclosed amount of money.


County police say Williams is on the Quik-Trip’s surveillance video and has confessed to the crimes.



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