[WATCH] This Video of What A Man Pulled Out of His Face Is Going Viral

A man who believed that a black mark on his face was a cyst has learned he actually had a massive ingrown hair— and now, a video of him removing it has gone viral.  The truly disgusting part is that he waited so long to do something about it.

“I’ve had this gigantic black mark on my face for months, and it literally looks like it’s a pound of hair,” the man, who identifies himself as Joe Gross, said in the video post.

In the video, Gross begins pulling the hair from his cheek with a pair of tweezers. “It’s all literally coming out of this one hole. This literally must be like a year of hair,” he said.

In a description of the video, Gross said the spot had been oozing every couple of months for about a year, and that rather than it being a cyst like his dermatologist reportedly predicted, “apparently it was just the longest ingrown hair in history.”

The video was posted online two years ago but was recently posted on Reddit. As of Wednesday morning, it had more than 12 million views on YouTube.

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