More Bad News For Darren Wilson?

If there’s one guy who just can’t seem to catch a break it’s Darren Wilson.

He likely believed his legal troubles surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown were over after the grand jury decided not to pursue charges, but that might not be the case, as a legal advocacy group is asking for a second grand jury to be convened.

And the hits just keep coming.

From The L.A. Times:

484x252xdarren-wilson.jpg.pagespeed.ic.bhJLnxAccVn_vlPsecBgA legal advocacy group is asking a St. Louis County judge to convene a second grand jury to investigate a white police officer’s killing of an unarmed black man in Ferguson, Mo., contending prosecutors “fatally compromised” the case last year.

 The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund — which shares a name similar to the NAACP but is an independent advocacy group — made the request in a letter to Circuit Judge Maura McShane and also asked her to appoint a special prosecutor.


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