It seems Kris Neuhaus, a Kansas abortion doctor has finally lost a battle to keep her licence. And the Kansas Board of Healing Arts feels she is “incapable of successful rehabilitation” after santioning her in 2012 for allowing girls 10-18 to obtain 3rd trimester abortions. Ya-THINK? My only questions is, “What took you so long to figure it out?!?!?!” Yesterday published the sordid details of the attrocities that have been happening in Kansas since 2003.
She Approved a 10-Year-Old Girl’s Abortion and Now She’s Lost Her Medical License
Late Friday, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts issued a final order of license revocation for abortionist Kris Neuhaus, calling her “incapable of successful rehabilitation.” Kansans for Life applauds the resolve of the Board in protecting the public from her.
Neuhaus’ license had been revoked in 2012 for her failure to follow both standard of care and record-keeping protocols when providing the legally-required “second independent medical opinion ” that enabled 11 girls, aged 10-18, in 2003 to obtain third-trimester abortions at the Wichita abortion clinic of George Tiller.
Neuhaus challenged that revocation in state district court. While upholding the Board’s findings that Neuhaus repeatedly failed to document patient histories properly, Judge Franklin Theis vacated the standard of care charge and sent the matter back to the Board for a “do-over.” on Dec. 11 (see here).
The Board upheld using the sanction of revocation for record-keeping misconduct, because this was Neuhaus’ “third strike ” in this arena.
She had been involved in two prior disciplinary actions from the Board between 1999-2001 and as part of retaining her medical license then, she had legally promised to correct her admitted record-keeping failures in the future.
Creating and maintaining proper medical records is not a trivial matter. The Board asserted that the “the interest of the patient is paramount…Failure to properly document denies the patient of the opportunity to receive proper follow up care and treatment.”
The Board particularly cited the youth, inexperience and vulnerability of the 11 patients, “who may have had a unique need for follow up because [Neuhaus] testified that some exhibited suicidal ideation or other indicators of mental illness or psychiatric problems.”
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The Board found that Neuhaus:
- intentionally, willfully and knowingly committed multiple violations of the Kansas Healing Arts Act;
- “has not learned from prior disciplinary actions [and] fails to express contrition or otherwise acknowledge the wrongful nature of her conduct”;
- feels”justified in her actions and showed no signs of remorse”.
Neuhaus’ attorney, Bob Eye, had pressed that Neuhaus had already suffered a sufficient penalty of not having had her Kansas medical license for the past years during litigation. However, the Board disagreed, and cited continued revocation and court costs were warranted under their sanctioning guidelines.
In the earlier revocation, the state lost the $93,000.00 in court costs charged to Neuhaus which Judge Theis dismissed. Neuhaus has fifteen days to file a new appeal. Note: Kathy Ostrowski is the legislative director for Kansans for Life, a statewide pro-life group.