High School Apologizes For Basketball Fans Who Cheered ‘USA!’

The Idalou school district in Texas is apologizing for some of its fans who chanted “U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A” at a basketball game during a win over the Slaton Tigers on Tuesday night.

While there was no racial element in the chant, Idalou Superintendent Jim Waller sent an email apology to Slaton Superintendent Julee Becker (video below).

“The chant USA should be for all of us, it should be inclusive. We are making other people aware of what that behavior by just a few, what impact it had on us, us as a tiger nation and family,” Becker told My Fox Lubbock.

“I believe that we are a microcosm in schools of greater society,” Becker told LubbockOnline.com. “That’s what we are. The symptoms of racism, they run deep.”

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