RACE HOAX EXPOSED: Cop Who Detained NYT Columnist’s Son Was Also Black

Another Race Hoax Exposed…
charles blow

Far left New York Times columnist Charles Blow’s son was detained this week at gunpoint by a Yale police officer. Blow told CNN his son was held at gunpoint by a Yale police officer because “he fit the description of a suspect.”

Blow went on a Twitter tirade after his son was detained by racist cop.

And he wrote about it in his column.

The liberal media went nuts over this racist assault on the reporter’s son.

But, it was all a hoax.
The police officer who detained his son was also black.
John Nolte at Breitbart reported:

Charles Blow, a black, left-wing New York Times columnist, took to Twitter and the pages of the Times to excoriate Yale and a campus police officer over his son being detained at gunpoint. Apparently, Blow’s son met the description of a campus burglar. After learning of the incident, an incensed Blow published a series of racially-charged Tweets followed by a racially-charged Times column.

According to the Washington Examiner, Blow tweeted, “This is exactly why I have no patience for people trying to convince me that the fear these young black men feel isn’t real.” Blow also tweeted out slogans associated with protests involving race and the police: “I can’t breathe” and “Black lives matter.”

In his column, Blow detailed what would have been a terrifying police encounter for any innocent young man and his father, but again turned it into a racial issue [emphasis added]:

I am reminded of what I have always known, but what some would choose to deny: that there is no way to work your way out — earn your way out — of this sort of crisis. In these moments, what you’ve done matters less than how you look.

There is no amount of respectability that can bend a gun’s barrel. All of our boys are bound together.

What Blow’s readers and Twitter followers weren’t told, though, was the race of the police officer in question.

As it turns out, the officer is black. Yale’s police chief is also black.



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