The Clint Eastwood film American Sniper is still shattering records and is well on its way to being the highest-grossing war film ever.
As expected, the success of the film hasn’t come without criticism from the Hollywood left. Liberal film director Michael Moore continues to make headlines with his criticism of the box office hit since his since his initial tweet about snipers being cowards.
He continued with his douche-baggery by claiming that he has done more for veterans than our military snipers:
Dale Comstock met the late Chris Kyle on the set of Stars Earn Stripes and they kept in touch after the show was done filming. When asked about what Moore’s comments, here’s what the former Delta Force Operator and author of American Badass had to say:
“Unless you’ve been in combat you’ve got no opinion on how combat works. What’s the premise of his argument? Does that mean that people who shoot artillery weapons, fly fighter jets and close attack helicopters are cowards because they’re not right in your face? It’s called smart warfare.
I’d rather shoot someone from afar. I don’t look at my adversary as someone I hold a personal grudge with. I look at him as the opposing team and I’m here to win. He’s a soldier and I’m a soldier. When you go into combat to fight, you expect certain things.
I’ve actually made friends with several of my adversaries. One of who, at one time, I was pointing weapons at from twenty five meters away.
Also, one of my best friends used to be in East German special forces. We were enemies at one time. Today, we’re good friends and business associates.
A sniper is far from a coward. They are skilled marksmen who use psychological warfare to scare the enemy. They make you keep your head down. They keep you paralyzed. And they will kill you because that’s their objective.
And for Michael Moore to call a sniper a coward…claiming he supports the military by hiring veterans and Special Forces guys. He says they’re his bodyguards. How hypocritical!
I don’t even know a soldier who fights the enemy in a combat role that has had anything positive to say about Moore.”

Comstock continued by saying what he thinks about Moore’s support for military veterans:
“And Michael Moore talks about how he supports the veterans and the military. Moore is in it for himself. He’s earned millions off sensationalism and fear tactics. Moore will help a veteran, if he can make a dollar off them.
He acts like soldiers and veterans are stupid. Well, I’ve got a PHD and a master’s degree on top of 20 years in the military. I served in every campaign from Grenada to present-day conflicts.
See, Moore is coward. That’s the only word to describe him. No self-respecting veteran would protect Michael Moore. And if they do, I want to see Moore produce the DD214s and evidence that they are protecting him.
He is one of the most dishonorable and disrespectful human beings alive. How low do you have to stoop to attack a dead man?”
H/T: IJ Review