Is This Judge Really Going Punitive On A Little Old Grandma Because She’s Christian?

Things are getting a little hairier by the day regarding courts, their overreach, and legislation from the bench. And this time, the courts and the gay lobby are teaming up to absolutely destroy a grandmother. That’s right. The courts are coming down hard on a little old lady because of her religious beliefs, because she is a Christian.


As these stories run rampant, in today’s news, this one is especially devastating because the of the veracity with which Washington Superior Court Judge, Alex Ekstrom, is punishing Barronelle Stutzman for refusing to provide flowers to a gay wedding.

Just a few days ago, the judge ruled that Stutzman was in violation of state consumer protection and anti discrimination laws, basically saying these laws supersede Constitutional freedom of speech and religion. FOX News reports:

“while religious beliefs are protected by the First Amendment, actions based on those beliefs aren’t necessarily protected.”

“For over 135 years, the Supreme Court has held that laws may prohibit religiously motivated action, as opposed to belief,” Ekstrom wrote in remarks reported by The Times. “The Courts have confirmed the power of the Legislative Branch to prohibit conduct it deems discriminatory, even where the motivation for that conduct is grounded in religious belief.”

And if his perception of the law isn’t frightening enough, he takes it a step farther. He’s intentionally, and some might say punitively, setting her up for ruin.

As the law offers for fines of $2000 per violation, Stuzman has been flooded with requests to service same sex weddings. So, she either goes against her faith and services gay weddings, or refuses and goes bankrupt standing up for her Christian faith. And if she appeals the judge’s decision? Then what? Estimated costs for appeals run into seven figures. She loses her home, everything.

It’s clear, the judicial branch has way too much power and is not being held in check when something like this goes on. And if this kind of thing goes unchallenged, it only grows, across the country, exponentially. If it happened here, to Barronelle Stutzman, it could happen to you.

Perhaps conservatives and Christians haven’t been smart in fighting the onslaught of attacks against their faith and freedoms. Let the homosexual movement push. IF they insist on buying wedding cakes and flowers from Christians, then Christians need to make monitory adjustments to their fees. You know, to compensate them for betraying their faith, in providing services to same sex marriages. Charging a surcharge for gay weddings could easily be donated to their Christian church of choice. You know, to further strengthen Christian views in your community, and mine. Just a thought.

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