The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association released this statement in response to dramatic video an armed citizen stopping an assault on a NYC subway train:
“This video is undeniable proof that guns save lives,” NYSRPA President Tom King said.
“Who knows what could have happened if a good guy with a gun was not onboard the train.”
From CBSNewYork — “A shocking scene unfolded on a subway train in Far Rockaway, Queens, this week, when a man whipped out a gun and forced another man to the ground — all to help a woman in trouble. As CBS 2’s Dave Carlin reported, CBS 2 News obtained exclusive video of the scene on the A Train Wednesday night.
The man seeing holding the gun in the cellphone video was praised for bravery a day after the incident, ending the torment of a woman straphanger by stopping an attacker and making sure he stayed there on the floor of the train until police arrived.
Witnesses say they saw a man terrorize a woman, pursuing her from train car to train car during the ride from Rockaway Park to the Broad Channel station.The woman told a witness that the man was “a stranger” and “chasing her.” The man threw a punch and she held up her arm to block it.
That was when the man described as a hero took action. He is a New York State Probation Officer, and he used his 9mm pistol to get the suspect on the ground.
Afterward, NYPD officers were storming the train car. Regulations required them to get the off-duty officer to drop his gun, and they ordered him to put it down.
They then took the man the off-duty officer got onto the floor — identified as Jermaine Jordan, 33 — into custody.Jordan’s last known address: a men’s shelter in Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn. He was charged with assault and harassment. Police said Jordan has more than two dozen prior arrests.”
“This should be a wakeup call for the state legislature to enact much needed reform of the Sullivan Act and make New York the 44th state with a right to carry concealed firearms for personal protection law.” Said Tom King

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is the state’s largest and oldest firearms advocacy organization. Since 1871, our organization has been dedicated to the preservation of Second Amendment rights, firearm safety, education and training, and the shooting sports. Our membership consists of individuals and clubs throughout the state. We are a not-for-profit 501(c)4 organization and the official NRA-affiliated State Association in New York. Visit:
Source: AmmoLand
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