BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Threatens Hillary Clinton With ARREST

 Trey Gowdy Finally Threatens Hillary With ARREST [FULL STATEMENT]

Ever since the email scandal broke, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has resisted turning over the personal email server she had used to skirt federal record-keeping regulations.

The former secretary of state and 2016 Democrat presidential front-runner instead had offered her word of honor (for whatever that’s worth) that nothing but personal email remained on the server, in spite of the fact that Clinton had turned over no email from around the time of the 2012 attack on the Benghazi consulate.

However, in a letter delivered to Hillary Clinton’s lawyers on Friday, House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy rejected this approach and demanded that Clinton hand over her email server to a third party to see what email remains on it.

“I am formally requesting Secretary Clinton make her server available to a neutral, detached and independent third-party for immediate inspection and review,” Gowdy wrote, adding that the State Department’s Office of Inspector General could be a possible third party to examine the email.

“(S)hould Secretary Clinton continue to maintain that the server and its contents are hers alone, I will inform the Speaker of the House of Representatives so that he can use the full powers of the House to take the necessary steps to protect the best interests of the American people,” Gowdy wrote, according to The Blaze.

Keep in mind that the “full powers of the House” include arrest, which is probably why Gowdy threw that phrase out there.

Gowdy has been pressuring Clinton for further details after the former secretary of state revealed that she had deleted more than 30,000 “personal” emails from the account.

“The House of Representatives and the American people are entitled to a complete accounting of the secretary’s official record during her time as secretary of State,” Rep. Gowdy wrote in the letter, alluding to the deleted and redacted emails.

He also rejected Clinton’s approach, in which she would release the email that she believed was relevant.

Her arrangement places her as the sole arbiter of what she considers private and beyond the review of the public,” he wrote. “Her arrangement allows her to be the sole record keeper of her emails related to official business conducted between two private accounts.”

This is the latest bad news for the former secretary of state, coming on the heels of a discovery that she had not signed a standard exit form stating that all confidential material had been returned to the State Department upon her resignation.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to read full letters packed with legalese delivered to blatantly felonious former first ladies by South Carolina representatives, well, here you go:

Gowdy Letter


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