Judge Bans Constitution From Courtroom! Really, You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

Judges, upon taking positions on the bench, take an oath to protect, defend, and uphold the constitution. So WHY would any sitting judge ban mentioning the Constitution in his court? That’s just what happened in an Ohio court.

It seems as the fix was in as New American reported on a prosecutor’s motion granted by a retired judge, filling in for municipal court judge, “that bringing up the constitution and civil rights “will confuse the jury.”

The crux of the case hinges on free speech. Ironic?

About a month ago, Virgil Vaduva, a journalist and editor of The Greene County Herald purposefully stood in front of the Xenia police station in an attempt to raise awareness about the constitutionality of the city’s anti-panhandling law.

Vaduva recorded a video of his encounters with local people, many choosing to make a donation to a local charity in town as a result of his actions. Vaduva was cited by the Xenia police for “panhandling” which is a fourth degree misdemeanor.

A month before the trial, a Xenia police officer threatened to arrest Vaduva for arguing with him on the newspaper’s Facebook page. The officer, identified on Facebook as Paul Harris, posted a message directed at Vaduva informing him that he will charge him with an additional misdemeanor, implying that it is a crime to disagree with a police officer.

Disdain for juris prudence has run amok in Xenia Ohio. You can listen to the exchange at the pre-trial motion here. 

Following this case will be interesting.

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