In the shadow of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, a spiritual sickness flourishes. Courtesy of the Jefferson Madison Regional Library (JMRL) system and the Charlottesville National Organization for Women, library patrons and their children are being exposed to a panopoly of explicit sexual practices placed alongside a provocative array of abortion desensitization and normalization propaganda.
All who enter Charlottesville’s Central Library are confronted with a glass case display bearing signs proclaiming “Your Body Your Choice” and “My Body My Choice.” Between the twin posters is a biblically inspired portrait of the Lion and the Lamb (i.e. Jesus), being descended upon by the dove of peace. The intentional combination of Christian symbolism with radical pro-abortion verbiage is confusing at best, and demonic, at worst.
The case itself, just steps away from the children’s section of the library, contains sexual and abortion related literature and paraphernalia directed toward youth. An examination of the case content and books placed on top of the case reveals messaging, instruction, and advice that broadly would be considered X-rated.
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