I mean, I like going to theme parks, and I enjoy most theme park rides — especially roller coasters. But I’ve never been a big fan of “thrill rides” involving big cables and bigger airtime. Hence why, after watching the viral video below and reading the accompanying news story out of Wisconsin, I’ve decided to never even consider the prospect of walking near something like this.
Trevor Larson and Carrie Sueker were already seated comfortably in the “Catapult” ride’s passenger contraption when one of the two sets of massive metal cables snapped. Trevor’s father, Dru Larson, was filming when it happened.
“I was numb,” Nicole Larson said. “You saw this cable and this mental piece coming at your son, and you were expecting your son to go in the air and all of a sudden this was coming back at you.”
“You look and you think ‘Oh my gosh.’ And then you think about what could’ve happened. How it could’ve went the other way,” Dru Larson said.
Check out the clip below, courtesy of YouTube. The moment of truth hits at around the 1:27 mark: