[VIDEO] Life size Recreation of Mike Browns Lifeless Body on Display at a Chicago Art Gallery

CHICAGO —   An art exhibit featuring the controversial police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri is on display in Bronzeville.

The exhibit is in Chicago for one month and is raw, provocative, and timely.

The artist, Ti-Rock Moore, a white woman from New Orleans, says the images represent white privilege in America and how it negatively affects the black community now and has for generations. She shows a black Statue of Liberty, a noose dangling from a neon sign and a life size portrayal of Michael Brown as he laid in the streets of Ferguson for hours after he was shot by a white officer almost one year ago.











Moore says she believes art can be healing. She would like to see the healing begin. Keeping Michael Brown’s memory alive, Moore claims, is part of that process.

The owner of Gallery Guichard, Andre Guichard, calls the exhibit “courageous” and hopes it sparks dialogue and breaks down barriers. He hopes “it creates something positive,” he says, “from incredibly negative images.”

Brown’s mother is expected in Chicago to see the showing herself.

The exhibit is free and runs through August 10th.

More info at:  Www.galleryguichard.com