Carly Fiorina Tells It Like It Is On Immigration, Trump And Liberal Media

I dunno! She certainly talks the right line. She handles the tough questions on the fly and is quick on her feet. So, why isn’t she polling higher. In this interview with George Stephanopoulos she hits all the high points with grace and a command of the issues, including getting a swipe at the lame-stream media.

The Hill: “People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme,” she told ABC’s “This Week.” “It’s not extreme, it’s commonsense. We need to secure the border.”

“People are also angry at a professional political class of both parties that talks a good game, gives good speeches, but somehow nothing ever really changes,” she added. “And people are angry as well at a double standard in the media.”

Watch the video here:

Wouldn’t you like to see a Florin/Hillary debate. She’d mop the floor with her.

Fiorina also blasted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton during the ABC interview, saying the former secretary of State’s polices create more income inequality.

“Why? Because bigger government creates crony capitalism,” she said. “When you have a 70,000 page tax code, you’ve got to be very wealthy, very powerful, very well connected to dig your way through that tax code. … I will continue to point out … the fact that every policy she is pursuing will make income inequality worse, not better, crony capitalism even worse, not better. “

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