[WATCH] Milwaukee’s Bouchard’s Clothing Store Owner Repels Bad Guys With Gun Fire


Guns Save LivesSomewhere, everyday in the USA, 2100+ people use a gun for self defense, to stop a crime or save the lives of themselves or their family.

“We believe that the American public deserve to understand that on the average, guns save 2,191 lives and are used to thwart crimes every day,” says Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation

Most times you won’t see these tales on the news as it does not fit the main stream media’s story line of “Guns and Gun Owners are Bad“.

This is just one of those stories;

Rami Murrar, owner of Bouchard’s clothing store in Milwaukee, Wisc., was tending to his establishment when at around 4 a.m. a van smashed into the security doors and concrete posts protecting his store. A daring organized heist; after the van broke through the doors, three armed men attempted to gain access to the store.

Murrar responded to the threat by retrieving a semi-automatic rifle and firing at the armed intruders, striking one and causing all to flee. A short time later police caught up with one of the suspected robbers at a local hospital.

Following the incident, Murrar told a local news outlet, “It was a lot of guys out there. So I believe if they would’ve gotten through that door, I would’ve been dead, so that’s the reason I reached for my gun.”

Despite his successful experience with armed self-defense, Murrar made clear he did not relish the position he was placed in and showed mercy towards his attackers, stating, “I’m glad the guy made it. Again, I didn’t come to work that night or that day to kill somebody, so I hope he recovers from what happened, and he learns a lesson and be a good message for all the young guys out there.”

About the Guns Save Lives Series:
Every few days AmmoLand Shooting Sports News will be featuring a new report of stories involving self defense with a hand gun. Be sure and share, like and Tweet these posts and help spread the truth that “Guns Save Lives”.

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