The Truth On Jeb And Common Core, Not The @#%*! He Spewed At The GOP Debate

Remember this carefully crafted answer when Jeb was asked about his Common Core cheerleading, over the past several years. Most who follow the promotion of the nationalized education standards know he has been one of their biggest supporters. But you would’ve never guessed by listening to this last week during the FOX News GOP debates.

Well, here’s what he really thinks of Common Core and how he has supported it. The truth will shock you.

Jeb Bush attempted to backtrack from his allegiance to the federally funded common core debacle. But rather than be convincing in his assertion, he came off as hypocritical or potentially delusional.

“I don’t believe the federal government should be involved in the creation of standards directly or indirectly, the creation of curriculum or content. It is clearly a state responsibility. I’m for higher standards…”

Then he said, “And if states want to opt out of Common Core, fine. Just make sure your standards are high.”

But isn’t Common Core, at it’s epicenter, the Federal Government being involved in educational standards? If you don’t believe in the Federal Government being involved in education, then it is unlikely you believe in Common Core. Unless of course, you are trying to play both sides of the vote (I know, difficult to imagine). Common Core is the Federal Government’s education mandate, to want less Federal Government is to want the abolishment of Common Core.

It is one thing to say things with the ambition of wrangling more votes, but it is far another to be completely greedy in playing both sides of the issue for votes in such a hypocritical manner. For him to assert that states could “opt out” is him asserting that States actually don’t have the full control over the matter (and clearly, they should).

This looks like support to me:

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His inconsistent stance made for a rather transparent moment at the debate last night, particularly as he stood directly next to Donald Trump’s honest and unfunded ramblings.


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