In response to Donald Trump‘s attacks on Megyn Kelly, Ted Nugent made some, um, weird remarks about watching the Fox News anchor while naked in talking about Kelly’s question to Trump about his past sexist remarks.
On WIBX’s Keeler in the Morning today, Nugent defended Trump and said, “I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, though I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my magazines I like to just look at her, and I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff.”
(This is the part where you can start going “what the shit” and make all sorts of uncomfortable noises.)
He slammed her debate questions to Trump and said “the gorgeous, stunning, otherwise professional and tuned-in” Kelly “absolutely fell off the cliff of political correcntess” when she posed “obnoxious” questions to The Donald.
Nugent did say that normally Kelly’s great at what she does, but she “broke all of our hearts” at the debate by playing into the status quo:
“She isn’t status quo, but she started acting, and sounding, and looking like one, and I don’t believe she is. I think she is playing some games, either that or she’s getting bad advice, either that or she’s just getting stupid.”
Listen to the audio below, via WIBX: