The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee defended Hillary Clinton’s email practices on Thursday, saying media reports about classified information on the former secretary of state’s server did not make clear that Clinton hadn’t written any of the “top secret” emails.
Two days after an inspector general said it found “top secret” information on Clinton’s unsecured email server, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California accused news reports of “missing key points.” For example: “none of the emails alleged to contain classified information were written by Secretary Clinton,” she said — nor were they marked as “top secret” at the time they were sent.
An inspector general from the intelligence community several weeks ago told Congress it found four classified emails when examining a random sampling of 40 out of 35,000 messages Clinton handed over to the State Department for record-keeping.
On Tuesday, the IG clarified that two of those were “top secret” and off limits to foreigners, one of the highest classifications for sensitive information.