BUSTED: Family Member Confirms #BlackLivesMatter Activist Shaun King Is WHITE

Shaun-King-e1440002874254-300x198During a segment on #BlackLivesMatters activist Shaun King and the allegation he isn’t black at all, CNN host Don Lemon revealed that he had spoken to a family member of King’s who confirmed he was white.

“A family member tells CNN that both of King’s parents are white,” Lemon said on Wednesday night’s edition of CNN Tonight.

Conservative websites have also accused King of embellishing or fabricating a racial hate crime during his high school days. The same family member told Lemon that the altercation he had in high school was racially motivated… but because King was “a white guy dating a black girl.”

Lemon also revealed that he had a conversation with King about his racial identity. “Initially he did not answer but later referred to himself as biracial,” he said. “But then when I asked him if that’s what it shows on his birth certificate I did not hear back from him. No answer on that.”

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