It appears that World War 3 is beginning right now. This morning, Turkish Artillery began shelling positions outside of Azzaz, Syria. Those positions are held by the Syrian Arab Army (legitimate, duly-elected government of Syria) and are NOT being aimed at ISIS terrorists! These are direct attacks by Turkey upon the lawful government forces of Syria.With their rebel pals falling to the legitimate government of Syria, Turkey has now begun shelling into Syria to aid their Rebel forces and ISIS Terrorists!
Sources on the ground inside Syria tell SuperStation95 that the Turks began a furious artillery barrage at about 6:00 AM eastern US time today. Turkey is attacking the Kurdish YPG .
It is unclear at this time, whether the YPG is pro-Bashar Assad and his duly elected government, but it is clear that YPG directly engaged and destroyed ISIS in past battles. So on the surface, it appears that YPG are the “good guys” and Turkey is attacking them!
It is not known if Russian air forces will engage the artillery firing into Syria because to do so would mean attacking those forces located inside Turkey. If Russia were to attack them – even though they have lawful cause to do so — it is clear that Turkey would cry to NATO that they had been “attacked” and try to invoke Article 5 of the NATO self-defense agreement. That would require NATO to come to the defense of Turkey, thus engaging Russia directly.
One intelligence source in the US, who must remain anonymous – told SuperStation95 “This has disaster written all over it.”
This is a fast developing story, and will be updated frequently today (13 February 2016). Check back often.