Photo Of Israeli Soldier Soothing His Baby Is Getting A Lot of Attention. See Why!

Simcha Jessel, the photographer and citizen journalist who posts images of different slices of life in the Israeli capital city, told TheBlaze that he took the photo of the soldier last week near a pizza shop in downtown Jerusalem.

“I was finishing my pie, and I saw him there,” Jessel said. “I came over and said, ‘I love everything going on over here. Can I please take a picture of you?’ He said, ‘Sure!’”

Jessel said that the redheaded soldier, whom he identified only as Nathan, was holding the baby while his wife had stepped away for a bit. The baby girl is named Gal Einai, which translates loosely to “open my eyes” or “reveal to my eyes.”

Nathan is currently serving in the Israel Defense Forces with a religious battalion called “Netzach Yehuda” which means “Eternity of Judah.”



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