[Watch] Is This The Statement That Got Justice Scalia Killed? Some Say It Is.

A remarkable statement uttered by late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia six years ago has many conspiracy theorists wondering whether Scalia did not die naturally — but was murdered instead.

The statement stems from an July 2012 interview with Fox News host Chris Wallace, who at the time asked Scalia whether he felt any pressure from President Barack Obama not to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

“No,” Scalia replied. “What can he do to me? Or to any of us? We have life tenure and we have it precisely so that we will not be influenced by politics, by threats from anybody.”

“Look, the most important role we play and the reason we have life tenure is precisely because now and then, we have to tell the majority, the people that they can’t do what they want to do,” he continued. “That what they want to do is unconstitutional and therefore go away.”

The idea that Obama would then scheme and plot for four years before finally seeking out retribution for this bold statement seems pretty farfetched. That said, there are a lot of odd details about Scalia’s recent death that suggest that maybe his words — or something — actually got him killed.

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